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How to Make Your Piano a Focal Point of Your Holiday Celebrations
How to Make Your Piano a Focal Point of Your Holiday Celebrations Mon, Nov 14, 2022 Music and the holidays are an inseparable duo. Few things can bring about the warm nostalgia of the season like the familiar sound of a Christmas carol or a classic holiday song. One of the best ways to enjoy those tunes is by playing them on your pi... Read More

6 Reasons You Definitely Need Help from Professional Piano Movers
6 Reasons You Definitely Need Help from Professional Piano Movers Mon, Nov 14, 2022 Moving can be both an incredibly exciting and deeply stressful experience. That stress can increase if you have something large, delicate, and sentimentally important to move along with you — such as a piano. Fortunately, you don’t have to shoulder t... Read More

Don’t Stop the Music: 4 Tips for Your Cross-Country Move
Don’t Stop the Music: 4 Tips for Your Cross-Country Move Thu, Oct 27, 2022 Moving to another home, across the state or the country, is no easy task. There are so many things to keep track of and so much to get done. If you are a piano owner, your instrument’s safe transportation must also be one of the most important things... Read More

How To Create and Preserve Musical Family Memories
How To Create and Preserve Musical Family Memories Thu, Oct 27, 2022 When it comes to family memories, there are so many associated with music made together, played together, and enjoyed together. A lot of these memories are created during holiday season or special occasions where loved ones gather around a beautiful ... Read More

Why Choose Climate-Controlled Piano Storage?
Why Choose Climate-Controlled Piano Storage? Thu, Oct 27, 2022 When it comes to taking good care of your piano – you can’t do enough. Although it appears to stand tall and strong, the piano is one of the most delicate musical instruments and requires regular maintenance and care to continue sounding and playing ... Read More

From Upright to Concert Grand: Discover the Different Types of Pianos
From Upright to Concert Grand: Discover the Different Types of Pianos Wed, Sep 28, 2022 If you’ve developed a recent interest in playing the piano or want to encourage your children to learn how to play this beautiful instrument, you may first want to learn a little about the different types on pianos there are and see which best suits ... Read More

Try Our 6 Favorite Piano Playing Warmups
Try Our 6 Favorite Piano Playing Warmups Wed, Sep 28, 2022 Although piano warmups can seem monotonous and unnecessary at times, they can be quite beneficial and essential regardless of how advanced a piano player you are. Warming up can help you improve your skills, build finger dexterity and strength, incre... Read More

5 Factors Modern Piano Movers Keep in Mind During Your Move
5 Factors Modern Piano Movers Keep in Mind During Your Move Wed, Sep 28, 2022 Whether you have hired professional piano movers to transport your piano across the country or just down the block, there is a fair amount of preparation that goes into making the move take place. Transporting a piano carefully is not an easy task, ... Read More

5 Reasons Why Owning a Piano Enriches Your Home
5 Reasons Why Owning a Piano Enriches Your Home Mon, Aug 22, 2022 There are so many different types of pianos, all designed for different spaces and types of playing. There are even different colors and finishes available to match your individual style and décor. Are you considering adding a piano to your home but... Read More

Passing Down the Family Piano? Simplify the Trip with Modern Piano
Passing Down the Family Piano? Simplify the Trip with Modern Piano Mon, Aug 22, 2022 Many families have a few extremely valued heirlooms that get passed from generation to generation and carry great personal meaning. In many cases, these heirlooms also have monetary value and are worth protecting and keeping in great condition, espec... Read More

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Milton Heads South  Tennessee, US

Apr 27 2023 

This is the second time we have moved "Milton" with Modern and both times have been a great success. Thank you for treating my piano like it was your own family heirloom.